Another advance has been made by experts in nano-scale chemistry to propel further development of sustainable and efficient generation of hydrogen from water using solar power. In a new international collaborative study—led by Flinders University with collaborators in South Australia, the US and Germany—experts have identified a novel solar cell process to potentially use in […]
Green Energy
Training solar panels to dance with the wind: AI-driven solution enhances resilience
Solar power is currently the fastest growing energy sector worldwide. Solar photovoltaic power plants convert sunlight into electricity and their vast potential for producing clean, renewable energy make solar power a cornerstone of the NetZero Emissions by 2050 initiative, which seeks to cut carbon dioxide emissions to zero by the year 2050. Wind has both […]
UK Energy Policy: How to Make Green Energy Affordable
The government’s clean power 2030 action plan is looking to ensure the economic benefits of clean energy and net zero are felt by people across the country. Slashing red tape for grid connections, overturning the onshore wind ban in England and allowing more special offers to reduce energy bills are steps in the right direction. […]
Prototype device produces critical fertilizer ingredient from thin air, cutting carbon emissions
The air around us contains a powerful solution for making agriculture more sustainable. Researchers at Stanford University and King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals in Saudi Arabia have developed a prototype device that can produce ammonia—a key fertilizer ingredient—using wind energy to draw air through a mesh. The approach they developed, if perfected, might […]
High rises made out of wood? What matters in whether ‘mass timber’ buildings are sustainable
A material that’s been around since people built shelters—wood—is increasingly being proposed for low- and mid-rise buildings. Companies behind these “mass timber” projects say that wood is a lower-carbon alternative to steel or concrete and brings other benefits, such as faster construction time and lower cost than concrete and steel. Advocates say the wood materials, […]
As global warming rises, offshore hydrogen hubs could be renewable energy carriers
Though fall began on September 22, it still feels like summer for many in Texas and across the United States. Each year, summer temperatures occur earlier and last longer—a problem experienced across the globe. According to the U.N., the Earth is already about 1.1°C warmer than in the late 1800s and greenhouse gas emissions continue […]
How sustainable are typical electric vehicle batteries?
A fully electric vehicle fleet is globally hailed as a transformative solution to slow climate change. But how green are EV batteries? Will they help save us from a warming planet or add to an ever-increasing problem? Within the U.S. alone, the transportation sector was responsible for 29% of all greenhouse gas emissions in 2022, more than […]
Report: Fusion energy could play a major role in the global response to climate change
For many decades, fusion has been touted as the ultimate source of abundant, clean electricity. Now, as the world faces the need to reduce carbon emissions to prevent catastrophic climate change, making commercial fusion power a reality takes on new importance. In a power system dominated by low-carbon variable renewable energy sources (VREs) such as solar and […]
Southeast Asia Will Be a Major Energy Power for the Next Decade
Southeast Asia’s role in the global energy system is set to grow strongly over the next decade, according to the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) most recent publication. The region will contribute heavily both to energy production as well as global demand, as its population expands rapidly, and several countries undergo industrialization. Several emerging economies, such […]
Novel covalent organic framework quickly captures CO₂ from ambient air
Capturing and storing the carbon dioxide humans produce is key to lowering atmospheric greenhouse gases and slowing global warming, but today’s carbon capture technologies work well only for concentrated sources of carbon, such as power plant exhaust. The same methods cannot efficiently capture carbon dioxide from ambient air, where concentrations are hundreds of times lower […]