Shares of Panasonic Corporation are showing an adjusted slope average of the past 125 and 250 days of -2.84601. The Adjusted Slope 125/250d indicator is equal to the average annualized exponential regression slope, over the past 125 and 250 trading days, multiplied by the coefficient of determination (R2). The purpose of this calculation is to provide a longer term average adjusted slope value that evens out large stock price movements by using the average. This indicator is useful in helping find stocks that have been on a smooth upward trend over the past 6 months to a year.
Investors who are able to wipe the slate clean and take a fresh look at a certain stock may be able to make more informed decisions that will hopefully lead to increased profits in the long-term. Figuring out when to sell an underperforming stock may end up being just as important as figuring out which stocks to buy. As the stock market continues to trade near record levels, investors will be closely following trading action heading into the latter half of the year. With many stocks reaching new highs, investors may need to make sure that they aren’t getting too overconfident with trades. When a few winning trades are strung together, investors may feel like they have the Midas touch and they can do no wrong. Nobody knows for sure how long stocks will stay in favor with investors. Keeping track of the portfolio’s contents can help when quick decisions need to be made. There may come a time when the tide turns and making a winning trade may seem impossible. Investors might want to have a plan in place in case of a sudden major market downturn. Keeping the portfolio stable during periods of market uncertainty may help prepare for unforeseen events in the future. Although there are many market enthusiasts that think the bull run may be on its last legs, there are just as many who believe that the best is yet to come, and there is much more room for stocks to climb.
Panasonic Corporation of the Leisure Goods sector closed the recent session at 1526.000000 with a market value of $32317798.
Investor Target Weight
Panasonic Corporation has a current suggested portfolio rate of 0.04930 (as a decimal) ownership. Target weight is the volatility adjusted recommended position size for a stock in your portfolio. The maximum target weight is 7% for any given stock. The indicator is based off of the 100 day volatility reading and calculates a target weight accordingly. The more recent volatility of a stock, the lower the target weight will be. The 3-month volatility stands at 27.208200 (decimal). This is the normal returns and standard deviation of the stock price over three months annualized.
Drilling down into some additional key near-term indicators we note that the Capex to PPE ratio stands at 0.287093 for Panasonic Corporation. The Capex to PPE ratio shows you how capital intensive a company is. Stocks with an increasing (year over year) ratio may be moving to be more capital intensive and often underperform the market. Higher Capex also often means lower Free Cash Flow (Operating cash flow – Capex) generation and lower dividends as companies don’t have the cash to pay dividends if they are investing more in the business.
In addition to Capex to PPE we can look at Cash Flow to Capex. This ration compares a stock’s operating cash flow to its capital expenditure and can identify if a firm can generate enough cash to meet investment needs. Investors are looking for a ratio greater than one, which indicates that the firm can meet that need. Comparing to other firms in the same industry is relevant for this ratio. Panasonic Corporation ’s Cash Flow to Capex stands at 1.072745.
In looking at some Debt ratios, Panasonic Corporation has a debt to equity ratio of 0.72586 and a Free Cash Flow to Debt ratio of 0.023153. This ratio provides insight as to how high the firm’s total debt is compared to its free cash flow generated. In terms of Net Debt to EBIT, that ratio stands at 0.40452. This ratio reveals how easily a company is able to pay interest and capital on its net outstanding debt. The lower the ratio the better as that indicates that the company is able to meet its interest and capital payments. Lastly we’ll take note of the Net Debt to Market Value ratio. Panasonic Corporation’s ND to MV current stands at 0.042104. This ratio is calculated as follows: Net debt (Total debt minus Cash ) / Market value of the company.
Near-Term Growth Drilldown
Now we’ll take a look at some key growth data as decimals. One year cash flow growth ratio is calculated on a trailing 12 months basis and is a one year percentage growth of a firm’s cash flow from operations. This number stands at 0.09800 for Panasonic Corporation. The one year Growth EBIT ratio stands at 0.38024 and is a calculation of one year growth in earnings before interest and taxes. The one year EBITDA growth number stands at 0.22079 which is calculated similarly to EBIT Growth with just the addition of amortization.
Taking even a further look we note that the 1 year Free Cash Flow (FCF) Growth is at 0.23142. The one year growth in Net Profit after Tax is 0.58034 and lastly sales growth was 0.08694.
Following all the swirling information about publically traded companies can be quite a task. Every day there may be new pieces of news that emerge about a specific company. The prudent investor is typically able to keep abreast of the information, but most importantly figure out what news is worth paying attention to, and what news should be filtered out. Keeping a sharp eye on earnings reports and fundamental company data can play a big part in picking the right stocks for the portfolio. Once the numbers have been crunched, investors should be able to see things a little bit clearer and know what the general feel for the stock is. Of course there will be stocks that look good after thorough examination but still fail to perform as expected.